Packing Lists
Travelling with type 1 diabetes can be difficult. There are many things that you need to remember to ensure that you have everything that you need while away. To help make travel a little easier, below are several packing lists, each for a different scenario (with or without CGM, with or without insulin pump). Each list contains all of the needed supplies for travel to make packing a breeze. Each packing list is also divided into three sections: easy access bag, refrigerated/cooled, and other storage. The easy access bag should be easily accessible to you throughout the entire trip, including while traveling (e.g. car, plane, etc.). Some items may need to be refrigerated, or at least prevented from warming. These will be packed in the refrigerated/cooled section. The other storage can include anything that you don't need to access during the trip and doesn't need to be cooled.

No CGM or Pump

CGM without Pump

Pump without CGM

CGM and Pump
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